Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Count Your Blessings Every Day!

Having recently heard of some tragic events in the lives of some folks I know, I've been thinking a lot the past couple of days about how easily we can get caught up in our problems and forget all we have to be thankful for. I am always grateful for what I have and I don't envy others who may have more than I do, but at times when you hear of something traumatic happening to other people, it tends to make you think a little more about what's really important and how small our problems may be in comparison.

There are lots of stresses just living day to day in today's world that I could not have imagined when I was just a kid. There's always so much bad news and so much to worry about that it becomes difficult to stay focused on what is good. In fact, the worries are so great sometimes that we may even wonder if there is any good left for us. That is the time we need to give ourselves a good talking-to. There's always plenty to be grateful for and looking around you at those suffering more than you can really open your eyes.

The important thing is to really focus on what is good and cherish every moment. The worries will be there tomorrow if we're fortunate enough to be here to face them. But, we never know when some good thing we have may be gone in an instant. So, count your blessings every day and live your life with those blessings foremost in your mind. Take the time to enjoy the good things you have and don't let the stresses of life make you forget to live.

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