Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Challenges and Distractions

Starting a business from home presents you with so many unique challenges and each day is different, making it very difficult to establish routines. When I began Silver Sky Designs, I had every intention of following through on everything in a particular order and I somehow had the idea that things would just flow along according to schedule. However, I am not good with schedules and I resist all forms of time management or constraints. I like to believe this is because I am a creative type, as it eases my guilt when I feel I'm not getting anything accomplished. I also, of course, give creativity the credit for my clutter and disorganization, as well as my absent-mindedness. My brain is simply so full of ideas that I can't be bothered with mundane details like where I laid the keys or where I put the ____ (insert latest missing item). There are times when I do not even want to look away from the computer screen or I may stay completely immersed in jewelry parts or other creative ventures without looking up simply because I just don't want to look at the house in such a mess. And, unlike working away from home, you can't just gather your things at the end of the day and leave the mess. I am beginning to consider that it may be helpful to me as a business owner to rent out a small place to live somewhere else and make my current home simply my workplace! I'm there most all the time anyway, so it probably wouldn't make a lot of difference to the kids. I would need to hire someone to stay with them while I was at "home", of course, but this seems like it could work out pretty well for me. And, the condition of the house would no longer concern me, just not my responsibility anymore. Ha!....Yeah, I know I'm dreaming. But, the idea is quite tempting!

The mention of kids brings to mind another unique challenge for many home business owners. Concentrating on anything with children around is difficult, as any parent can attest. My office area is in the middle of the house, open and accessible. Therefore, there are no barriers to keep out those pesky little annoyances (like children, for example).  I always believed, though, that as children got older and became more independent, things got easier. Wrong!!! So wrong!!! I still remember waiting anxiously to hear both my daughters say the word "Mommy" for the first time, thinking the day would never come. How strange to think that now there are times when I wish I had never told them who I am! If they didn't have that title to call me, maybe it would be a little more difficult for them to approach me with the countless questions, comments and remarks daily, because every single one starts with the word "Mom".

I have come to the conclusion that non-routine is the only routine that will work for me and although there are many challenges to face in trying to work from home, and many things that will never be "caught up" (such as laundry, housework and yardwork), there are many rewards to make it all worthwhile. There is no commute back and forth to work, no one to squash my creativity or otherwise hold me back from being what I can be. I am my own boss and I can decide for myself just how I want to organize or disorganize things and I only have myself to blame for anything that goes wrong. I like being accountable only to and for myself. But, number one on that list of rewards is that I get to be here all the time for those kids that keep calling me "Mom". Regardless of the distractions they cause, they are my reason for living and breathing, not to mention my biggest source of inspiration and motivation. I am so thankful to be here for them and so grateful for the joy they have brought to my life.

So, for now, I've just decided to fully draft my "distractions" into service. After all, summer is here and the kids need something to keep them busy, so why not let it be working with Mom? Up until now, they've both been somewhat involved in the business, but they want more to do, so I will, of course, oblige. As I intend to add more product lines and open a couple more online shops over the summer, along with keeping up my Etsy shop and my ArtFire studio, not to mention getting more items out on consignment locally, I could certainly use the help! The one condition will be that they also have more household chores to do. Hey, I may end up with a spotless, well-organized house, after all!... Yeah, I know, I'm dreaming again. After all, these two girls are also creative types and their best creations sometimes are excuses!